Final Evaluation: Indigenous Women, Violence and Access to Justice (Colombia)
Location: Colombia
Grantee: National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC)
Grant period: January 2015 – December 2016
Grant amount: USD 417,601
The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) led the initiative “Indigenous Women, Violence and Access to Justice”, which aimed to further the rights of indigenous women, particularly in Cauca and Cesar provinces. The project specifically sought to ensure that indigenous women who experienced gender-based violence during Colombia’s long armed conflict (1964-2016) receive the legal, psychological and cultural support they need.
Main findings of the evaluation:
- The project engaged 381 indigenous individuals in positions of authority, of whom 242 adopted new measures to further women’s rights – nearly four times more than the initial target.
- The project provided legal, psychosocial and cultural support to 400 women, three times more than the original goal.
- An innovative model was successfully used that could be adopted by others working with indigenous communities in similar contexts.
- ONIC’s “Women, violence and access to justice” agreement with local authorities laid the foundation for communities to adopt norms to bring gender-based violence cases to justice.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Latin America and the Caribbean
Subject areas:
Access to justice post-conflict
Ending violence against women and girls
Indigenous women
Monitoring and evaluation
Service delivery
Trust funds
Truth and reconciliation
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Resource type(s):
Evaluation reports
Publication year
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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