Private sector

The UN Trust Fund has created several partnerships with the private sector to raise funds and awareness. Many of these partnerships also provide sustainable and ethical economic opportunities for women to promote economic empowerment and end the cycle of violence.
The UN Trust Fund is currently in partnership with:
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, a private Foundation, supports the UN Trust Fund to accelerate progress on the prevention of violence against women and girls globally through leveraging practitioner-based evidence, specifically from women's and women-led organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund.
Cause-related marketing partnerships:
Several partnerships with the private sector raise funds for the UN Trust Fund through the sale of sustainable and ethical products. These include:
Conscious Step
For each pair of socks to end violence against women it sells, ethical sock retailer Conscious Step contributes to UN Trust Fund-funded projects.
For each bracelet and necklace to end violence against women it sells, ethical fashion-based social enterprise based in Kenya SOKO Inc. contributes to UN Trust Fund-funded projects.
Present and Past UN Trust Fund private sector partners
So far, the UN Trust Fund has partnered with the following private sector companies: |
Some of our partnerships focus on providing sustainable and ethical economic opportunities for women to promote economic empowerment, through cause-related marketing sales. These companies include the following: |
· Mary Kay · AVON · Benetton · Johnson & Johnson · Tag Heuer · Omega · Verizon · Viacom |
· LDNY · Conscious Step · Mahendi · SeeMe · Yuwei Designs |