In Focus: 27th Grant Giving Cycle (2023)
The UN Trust Fund awarded USD 16 million to 36 civil society and women's rights organizations implementing initiatives to address to gender-based violence across 41 countries and territories, and USD 2.34 million to 8 initiatives in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa under the ACT programme. Learn more
In Focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2024
Join the UN Trust Fund in observing the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from November 25 to December 10 under the theme: “Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed. #NoExcuse. UNiTE to End Violence against Women” Learn more
"Small and Mighty": a new UN Trust Fund podcast!
Listen to the voices of small civil society and women's rights organizations working to prevent and end violence against women, despite limited resources and emerging challenges. Learn more
In Focus: Resourcing ending violence against women and girls programming globally
In 2024, the UN Trust Fund hosts a series of interactive events to distill practice-based insights and amplify voices from civil society organizations on funding and ending violence against women and girls programming globally. Learn more
Our Annual Report 2023 is out!
In 2023, the UN Trust Fund actively supported the implementation of 191 bold, life-changing initiatives aimed at preventing and responding to violence against women and girls 68 countries and territories, across five regions. Learn more
Women harvesting leaves
South Sudan: Women Weathering Climate Impact and Increased Violence

In South Sudan, Women for Women International adapts their initiative to climate change to continue empowering women and girls and meeting their needs.

Regional Mining District Forum, gathering women from El Bagre, Nechí, Zaragoza, Caucasia, Cáceres and Tarazá, to learn about proposals for the productive, agro-ecological and mining district of Bajo Cauca Antioqueño. Credit: Sara Núñez Ruiz/Corporación Casa de la Mujer
When Silence is Not Golden: Colombian Women Fight for their Rights

Corporación Casa de la Mujer leads efforts to increase access to justice for Colombian women survivors and for the families of women lost to femicide.

Besma Mehmercik and Najlaa Rahal, legal advisors of AHAC at their office in Gaziantep
When Small Must Become Mighty

In Türkiye, AHAC, a Syrian small women-led organization, serves the Syrian refugee women and girls who have experienced trauma from social and sexual violence in Türkiye since 2014.

Group of women sitting outside
Driving transformative change for Cambodian women and girls

In Cambodia, through community education and legal reform, CHEC addresses barriers faced by women and girl survivors of gender-based violence.

Strategic Plan 2021⁠–⁠2025
Front cover of the UN Trust Fund Strategic Plan 2021-2025 on the left with individual women representing different groups and on the right reads UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women strategic plan 2021-2025







UN Trust Fund's CSW Report 2025
