Final Evaluation: No More Victims - Roma Women and Girls Respond to Violence (Serbia)

Final Evaluation: No More Victims – Roma Women and Girls Respond to Violence (Serbia)
Ivana Koprivica

Location: Republic of Serbia

Grantee: Association of Roma Novi Bečej

Grant period: 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018

Grant amount: $110,910

Summary: “No More Victims – Roma Women and Girls Respond to Violence” sought to provide women and girls in Vojvodina, Serbia, with greater support to avoid early and forced marriage, and better protect them from gender-based violence. Run by the Association of Roma Novi Bečej and with funding from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women and OAK Foundation, the initiative aimed to improve institutional responses to violence against Roma girls and minority women by working with them and increasing their access to good legal and psychological services. It also raised awareness about violence against Roma women and girls, especially early and forced marriage.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project’s adherence to participant confidentiality and the combination of services provided to women, especially from the intersectional perspective, is a promising practice that can be scaled-up for other similar initiatives.
  • By providing education and improved services, the project significantly helped Roma women and girls avoid early and forced marriage.
  • Over 150 Roma and other minority women and girls received individual psychological support, surpassing the target number by 255 per cent.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia Serbia
Publication year