Final Evaluation: “Kick against Violence” (Nepal)
Grantee: Skillshare Nepal
Country: Nepal
Period: January 2016 to December 2017
Grant amount: $85,327
Description: The project’s main objective was to ensure a safe school environment where girls and boys are free from any kind of gender-based violence and can pursue their studies in a fearless environment. Specifically, the project used sport to build the confidence of girls to challenge gender stereotypes and implemented a two-pronged strategy of football coaching and life skills workshops. The overall goal was for girl students (aged 13-18) in five schools in four districts to experience greater safety against gender-based violence.
Main findings of the evaluation:
- Bullying, harassment and molestation against girls and boys in the school and community decreased;
- 80 per cent of the students participating in student cafés were observed to have open discussions on gender-based violence issues at the end of the project (compared to 25 per cent at the start);
- Girl students were confident to speak out about harassment and inappropriate touching, to report cases of violence to teachers and others, and to seek justice; the transformation of attitudes among teaching staff contributed to the adoption of gender responsive behaviour in the schools and community.
Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Asia and the Pacific
Resource type(s):
Evaluation reports
Publication year