Final Evaluation: “An Holistic Model to Prevent Gender-Based Violence in Indigenous Populations with an Intercultural Approach” (Mexico)
Grantee: UN Country Team, Mexico
Country: Mexico
Period: May 2010 to May 2013
Grant amount: $994,122
Publication description. The objective was to contribute to the effective implementation of a legal framework on violence against Indigenous women in Mexico, using an intercultural approach. Specifically, the project aimed to increase knowledge and prevention of violence against Indigenous women, adolescents and children.
Main findings of the evaluation:
- its innovative intervention and thematic coverage led to a rich collaboration and strengthening of capacities in Indigenous communities and territories; and
- the project had utilized diverse methodologies that contributed to the development and integration of protocols for the prevention of violence at the local level.
Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Latin America and the Caribbean
Subject areas:
Anti-violence interventions
Ending violence against women and girls
Monitoring and evaluation
Service delivery
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Resource type(s):
Evaluation reports
Publication year