Cluster Evaluation of three UN Trust Fund-supported projects in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia
Location: North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
Grantees: SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence, Niksic; Women's Forum–Tetovo; Center for Girls
Grant period: 1 March 2017 – 29 February 2020
Grant amount: USD113,760; USD124,991; USD74,302
This independent, final evaluation is of three small grant projects implemented in Europe and Central Asia by organizations that contributed in their own way:
- Center for Girls in Serbia focused on prevention;
- Women’s Forum–Tetovo in Macedonia combined campaigning with supporting survivors; and
- SOS Hotline for Woman and Children Victims of Violence, Niksic in Montenegro combined campaigning with supporting survivors and coordinating essential services.
Main findings of the evaluation:
- Some interventions were innovative and greatly helped to achieve results, including door-to-door campaigning in northern Montenegro; providing awareness-raising initiatives, legal support, economic empowerment and self-help support to women survivors of violence in Tetovo region, Macedonia; and peer-led workshops with girls at high school in Serbia.
- Project designs were based on in-depth knowledge about diverse stakeholder groups, particularly women and girls as primary beneficiaries.
- The projects enhanced protection services and improved systems for responding to violence against women and girls through multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms, improved capacity of professionals and better service standards.
Full Report: English
Bibliographic information
Subject areas:
Communications and media
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Human rights
Trust funds
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Women’s movements
Women’s rights
Resource type(s):
Evaluation reports
Publication year
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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