Cluster Evaluation of three UN Trust Fund-supported projects in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

Small Grant Evaluations
Dr Marija Babovic and Dr Ratislav Vrbensky

Location: North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia

Grantees: SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of ViolenceNiksic; Women's Forum–Tetovo; Center for Girls

Grant period: 1 March 2017 – 29 February 2020

Grant amount: USD113,760; USD124,991; USD74,302


This independent, final evaluation is of three small grant projects implemented in Europe and Central Asia by organizations that contributed in their own way:

  • Center for Girls in Serbia focused on prevention;
  • Women’s Forum–Tetovo in Macedonia combined campaigning with supporting survivors; and
  • SOS Hotline for Woman and Children Victims of Violence, Niksic in Montenegro combined campaigning with supporting survivors and coordinating essential services.


Main findings of the evaluation: 

  • Some interventions were innovative and greatly helped to achieve results, including door-to-door campaigning in northern Montenegro; providing awareness-raising initiatives, legal support, economic empowerment and self-help support to women survivors of violence in Tetovo region, Macedonia; and peer-led workshops with girls at high school in Serbia.
  • Project designs were based on in-depth knowledge about diverse stakeholder groups, particularly women and girls as primary beneficiaries.
  • The projects enhanced protection services and improved systems for responding to violence against women and girls through multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms, improved capacity of professionals and better service standards.
Summary Report: English 

Full Report: English

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year