Final Evaluation: Ensuring Gender and Age Dimensions of Human Rights are Realised in Moldova

Diana Cheianu-Andrei, Centre of Investigations and Consultation “SocioPolis”

Location: Moldova

Grantee: Help Age International

Grant Period: 1 March 2017 to 29 February 2020

Grant Amount: USD 222,792

Help Age International implemented "Ensuring Gender and Age Dimensions of Human Rights are Realised in Moldova" from March 2017 to February 2020 in eight communities in the country. The project's approach and activities, which aimed to make older women survivors of gender-based violence feel safer, were applied at national, regional and community levels.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project exceeded its target nearly threefold by reaching 512 women and girl survivors of violence through individual and group counselling, as well as through diverse outreach activities.
  • The project’s impacts were multi-dimensional, including by empowering older women and victims of gender-based violence, strengthening the capacity of the Centres for Assistance and Prevention, increasing the knowledge of journalists, and changing policies.
  • HelpAge International provided key recommendations for integrating the needs of older women survivors into the National Strategy on preventing and combating violence against women and violence in the family for 2018-2023 and its Implementation Plan for 2018-2020.

View/Download: English (executive summary)

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year