Final Evaluation: Addressing Violence Against Syrian Refugee Women in the Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq

TRUST Consultancy and Development

Location: Iraq

Grantee: Women for Women International

Grant period: 1 March 2017 – 29 February 2020

Grant amount: USD 693,412

Women for Women International implemented the “Addressing Violence Against Syrian Refugee Women in the Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq” project for three years in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah governorates. The aim was to empower refugee women and reduce gender-based violence in their communities.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project increased beneficiaries’ ability to influence decision-making and advocate for their own rights.
  • Physical locations for project activities were crucial, providing the foundation for much of the most impactful aspects of the initiative.
  • The engagement of advocates in round-table discussions and other outreach work significantly increased the project’s sustainability.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Arab States/North Africa Iraq
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year