Final Evaluation: Promoting Gender Equality and Improving Access to Justice for Female Survivors and Victims of Gender-based Violence under the Khmer Rouge Regime – Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), Non-Judicial Gender Project (Phase 2)

Final Evaluation Report Cambodia VSS
Julian POLUDA, Sineth SIV, Sotheary YIM; Edited by Mercy ANANEH-FREMPONG

Location:   Cambodia

Grantee: Victims Support Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)

Grant Period: January 2016 – April 2019

Grant Amount: $999,939.00

Authors/Editors: Julian POLUDA, Sineth SIV, Sotheary YIM; Edited by Mercy ANANEH-FREMPONG

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) Non-Judicial Gender Project (Phase 2) sought to improve access to justice for survivors of gender-based violence under the Khmer Rouge regime and to promote gender equality. It was the first hybrid tribunal to implement a civil party mechanism whereby survivors were party to the case before the ECCC. Consequently, the Victims Support Section of the ECCC could provide survivors with additional procedural rights, including more involvement in the legal proceedings and the right to seek collective and moral reparations. Phase 2 of the Non-Judicial Gender Project was the first major effort to bring justice and healing to survivors of gender-based violence under the Khmer Rouge regime.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project was implemented nationwide and reached 3,235 primary beneficiaries – survivors of gender-based violence under the Khmer regime. These included civil parties (2,200 women and 240 men) and non-civil parties (633 women and 162 men).
  • The project was inclusive and comprehensive, and its combination of services was responsive to the survivors’ needs and the context.
  • The project improved the lives of beneficiaries, especially in terms of stress management and cognitive enhancement, social and interpersonal communication, family and community support, and, to some extent, access to health care.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Cambodia
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year