Final Evaluation: Enhancing Responses to Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia

Final Evaluation: Enhancing Responses to Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia
Carol Strickler & Pou Sovann

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Grantee: World Hope International

Grant period: January 2016 – December 2018

Grant amount: $400,718

Summary: World Hope International initiated “Enhancing Responses to Violence Against Women and Girls in Cambodia” to address the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV). It aimed to improve service delivery to survivors of violence to aid their recovery, and increase coordination between service-providing agencies. The initiative focused on change at the individual, community and national levels. It developed and facilitated a series of modular training for government and community service providers. It also organized outreach events and offered individual mentoring and coaching of social service workers.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project provided GBV services – including group therapy, counselling and information on legal aid – to 412 female survivors.
  • Before the project, 12 per cent of women surveyed understood the negative emotional impact of violence against women; this rose to 90 per cent after the project.
  • The project taught service providers to put the needs of survivors first and work with them to find solutions.
  • Many female survivors receiving services from government providers said that as a result of the project, they no longer blamed themselves for the violence, had increased confidence, and had clear information on their rights, services and options when faced with violence.


Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Cambodia
Publication year