Final Evaluation: “Strengthening Women Survivors of Violence” (Timor-Leste)
Grantee: Asosiasaun Chega! Ba Ita
Country: Timor-Leste
Period: January 2015 to December 2017
Grant amount: $300,000
Description: The project addressed intimate partner violence and state-condoned violence. The overall goal was to ensure that women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence during Timor-Leste’s conflict (1999-2002) have greater access to socio-economic support and services, experience lower levels of stigma and marginalization, and enjoy a more active role in voicing their issues and in decision-making in their communities
Main findings of the evaluation:
· the project reached 486 women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, who consequently received support with housing, education, livelihoods and medical care;
· of the primary beneficiaries surveyed, 85 per cent had told their story publicly, of whom a quarter had done so for the first time because of the project; and more than half had taken on new roles or leadership positions in their communities;
· workshops, interdisciplinary training, healing workshops and participatory research supported survivors of violence in speaking out and forming relationships of mutual support;
· the project created a forum within which women could engage with each other outside the usual contexts, creating an opportunity for younger women to learn from older women.