Final Evaluation Gender Responsive School Pilot Model Viet Nam

PV Vietnam
Neelam Singh; Ta Thuy Hanh; Phung Thi Yen

Location: Viet Nam

Grantee: Plan International (Viet Nam)

Grant Period: 1 November 2013 – 31 October 2016

Grant Amount: $988,699

Plan International implemented the “Gender Responsive School Pilot Model” project for three years. The project worked with 20 schools in Hanoi for capacity development on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response. It aimed to provide adolescents, especially girls, with knowledge and skills, and engage and influence the policies of Hanoi Department of Education and Training as well as other government authorities, and elicit their support for upscaling the model.

Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The project trained 2,158 teachers and school staff, 40 counsellors and 48,788 parents.
  • A pool of 34 highly skilled trainers was created and consequently the teachers acquired better understanding of school-related gender-based violence prevention and response.
  • The initiative informed and educated 25,912 girls and 22,876 boys on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response. It trained girls and boys to become youth team leaders for communication and advocacy, and engaged with 30,569 parents in the 20 schools.
  • The project successfully engaged with mass media to spread messages about school-related gender-based violence.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Viet Nam
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year