Final Evaluation: Samvedana (an intervention programme to reduce violence against women in sex work in Karnataka, India)
Authors/editor(s): Sathyassree Goswami & Pradeep Esteves
Grantee: Karnataka Health Promotion Trust
Location: Karnataka, India
Period: December 2011 - July 2015
Grant amount: $999,999
Samvedana is an intervention programme to support efforts to prevent and combat sexual exploitation and human trafficking and to protect the rights of women in the sex industry in Karnataka, India. The multi-layered intervention focused on female sex workers as primary stakeholders and the judiciary, police, lawyers and media as secondary stakeholders. The project established a community-led violence system of redress through community-based organizations and partner NGOs in several districts. In addition, specific community crisis teams and reporting systems were established to attend to and monitor instances of violence.
Main findings of the evaluation:
- was relevant to women, especially those in sex work as they face multiple forms of stigmatization on account of their gender, poverty, class, caste and work;
- showed the community that stereotyping women in sex work is no longer acceptable, and that these women have the capacity to claim their rights; and
- had a significant impact by spreading knowledge on violence against female sex workers, specifically amongst the police, media and judiciary in Karnataka.