Final Evaluation: Formation of a Medico-Legal Network to Address Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict in Central and Eastern Africa

RTI International

Location: Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Grantee: Physicians for Human Rights

Grant period:  1 September 2011 – 31 August 2014

Grant amount: USD 625,000


Physicians for Human Rights implemented the “Formation of a Medico-Legal Network to Address Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict in Central and Eastern Africa” project for three years. The project focused on improving services for survivors of gender-based violence, aiming to deter future violence through successful prosecutions and convictions as well as judicial remedies such as court-imposed compensation for victims.


Main findings of the evaluation:

  • The initiative increased knowledge and skills in documenting gender-based violence and involved a broader range of professionals.
  • The project reached 851 personnel in the health care, legal and law enforcement sectors across Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This developed capacity to collect, manage and transfer evidence, which in turn benefited 17,448 survivors.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year