Final Evaluation: “Towards a Comprehensive System to End Violence against Women in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina”

Image AP Vojvodina
Jasmina Knežević, Aleksandra Vesić Antić, Zorica Rašković, Mirjana Beara, Ivana Koprivica and Tatjana Lazor Obradović, The Agencу for Professional Consulting and Management PRO STUDIO-Novi Sad

Grantee: Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality

Country: Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Period: January 2009 to December 2012

Grant amount: $990,970

Publication description. The goal was to help implement the Strategy for Protection against Domestic Violence and other types of gender-based violence in AP Vojvodina.

The final evaluation found that the project:

  • was highly relevant to the needs of the beneficiaries, primarily women and professionals working in institutions;
  • increased understanding and knowledge of professionals about domestic violence and gender-based violence, as well as the legal framework for personal data protection and providing specialized services to women survivors of violence;
  • increased knowledge in the general public about domestic violence and services available in AP Vojvodina;
  • increased understanding among Members of the Provincial Parliament as key decision-makers in AP Vojvodina on the implications of gender-based violence; and
  • produced results that were likely to be sustained.


Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Europe and Central Asia Serbia
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year