Final Evaluation: Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Amuria District in Uganda

Final Evaluation: Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Amuria District in Uganda
Maarifa Consult Ltd

Location: Uganda 

Grantee: National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda  

Grant period: 1 September 2018 - 31 August 2021  

Grant amount: USD 228,800 

Authors/editors: Maarifa Consult Ltd 

Publication year: 2022 

The National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda implemented a three-year project, “Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Amuria District of Uganda”, with the support of the UN Trust Fund. The project aimed to: 

  • decrease physical, sexual, psychological and emotional violence against women and girls with disabilities (WGWD) in three sub-counties in Amuria district by 2021 by increasing knowledge of WGWD about their fundamental human rights and how to defend those rights, and improve their self-esteem; and 
  • increase family members', local leaders' and community members' awareness and knowledge of the rights of WGWD as a precursor to behavioural change and a positive attitude toward WGWD.  

The final evaluation found that the project fully met its objectives and was instrumental in addressing the practical and most pressing needs of WGWD.  

Main findings of the evaluation:  

  • The project significantly shifted the mindsets of many stakeholders and WGWD with regards to disability.  
  • The project raised awareness about violence against women and human rights, and conducted capacity-building training sessions, resulting in a decrease in violence against WGWD. 
  • 9 out of 10 WGWD became aware of their fundamental human rights, and the majority (87.3%) became confident that they could defend these rights at home and in the community.  
  • 88% of WGWD interviewed said they had become confident enough to report human rights violations to authorities.  

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa Uganda
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year