Final Evaluation: “No more invisible women: against trafficking, sexual exploitation and sexual violence in informal mining areas of Madre de Dios and Piura” (Peru)

Final Evaluation: “No more invisible women: against trafficking, sexual exploitation and sexual violence in informal mining areas of Madre de Dios and Piura” (Peru)
Lizeth Vergaray Arévalo, Carmen Montes Bravo, Alberto Arenas Cornejo 

Location: Peru 

Grantee: Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (PROMSEX)  

Grant period: 1 December 2019 – 30 November 2022 

Grant amount: USD 838,933 

Authors/editors: Lizeth Vergaray Arévalo, Carmen Montes Bravo, Alberto Arenas Cornejo 

Publication year: 2023 

In Peru, the Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (PROMSEX) with the support of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women implemented the three-year project No more invisible women: against trafficking, sexual exploitation and sexual violence in informal mining areas of Madre de Dios and Piurain 2019-2022. The project aimed to: 

  • improve access to comprehensive and multisectoral responses that consider aspects of prevention, care and access to justice, as well as access to health and protection services, for women, adolescents and young survivors of human trafficking or violence affected by illegal mining in Madre de Dios and Piura; and 
  • provide a global perceived added value regarding sensitization and increased knowledge about human trafficking and its relationship with mining in the region.  

The final evaluation found that the project contributed to increased access to comprehensive and multisectoral responses that consider aspects of prevention, care, access to justice and public services. This was achieved through initiatives such as information and sensitization activities about sexual and gender-based violence and human trafficking for women and girls, sensitization and capacity building initiatives for officials, and the development of a reintegration protocol that complements the state protocol of action. 

Main findings of the evaluation:  

  • Access to comprehensive and multisectoral responses that consider aspects of prevention, care, access to justice and public services improved because of direct work with beneficiaries, as well as institutions in charge of providing services in this field.  
  • More than 98% of adolescent and adult women in Madre de Dios and 89% in Piura who participated in the final evaluation, reported being well informed about sexual and gender-based violence and human trafficking because of the project. 
  • Officials and operators of various services increased their knowledge and skills in effectively addressing trafficking and sexual and gender-based violence, which reduced gaps in services quality.  
  • The reintegration protocol was developed and its reintegration has already started. 
  • A wealth of knowledge was generated and disseminated about human trafficking and its relationship with mining. 

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year