Final Evaluation: Mettons fin aux VBG chez nous maintenant (Let's end GBV in our country now)

Final Evaluation: Mettons fin aux VBG chez nous maintenant (Let's end GBV in our country now)
Study, Consultancy, Audit and Analysis Firm (SCAAFi)

Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo 

Grantee: Dynamique des Femmes Juristes 

Grant period: 1 December 2019 – 30 November 2022 

Grant amount: USD 1,275,860 

Authors/editors: Study, Consultancy, Audit and Analysis Firm (SCAAFi) 

Publication year: 2023 

The "Mettons fin aux VBG chez nous maintenant" (Let's end GBV in our country now) project funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women was implemented between 2019 and 2022. It aimed to address domestic violence, sexual violence and harmful practices such as forced marriages through: 

  • facilitating households, community leaders and those who sustain gender inequalities and violence against women and girls to create social structures, norms and practices that protect against and reduce the risk of recurrence of violence; 
  • changing the behaviour of men and boys so they become active participants in community structures to transform harmful social norms/practices and end violence against women and girls; 
  • improving judicial institutions' responses to sexual and physical violence against women and girls in North Kivu;  
  • increasing the participation of women and girls in negotiations to transform discriminatory social norms/practices and gender norms, and their ability to claim their rights; and  
  • institutionally strengthening the organization.  

The final evaluation found that the performance of the project was satisfactory, which indicates that it was an outstanding success in many ways. 

Main findings of the evaluation:  

  • The project addressed the fundamental issues of gender-based violence, particularly the need for justice, and was based on strong community mobilization.  
  • 67% of the project’s beneficiaries surveyed during the evaluation reported that the project had alleviated the problem of violence against women and girls in their communities. 
  • Awareness sessions improved protection against violence within households and increased women’s sense of personal safety. 

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year