Final Evaluation: Improved Action Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices in Benue and Kaduna States (Nigeria)

Final Evaluation: Improved Action Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices in Benue and Kaduna States (Nigeria)
Paul Mershak & Kairo Chinonso Innocent

Location: Nigeria 

Grantee: Scripture Union West Africa (SUWA) 

Grant period: 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2022 

Grant amount: USD 341,670 

Authors/editors: Paul Mershak & Kairo Chinonso Innocent

Publication year: 2023 

Scripture Union West Africa (SUWA) with the support of UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women implemented the three-year pilot project Improved Action Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices in Benue and Kaduna Statesin Nigeria. The project’s main objectives were to:

  • Significantly sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls through school and community actions; 
  • create positive social norms that value women/girls and their rights;
  • build the capacity of communities and institutions through dialogue, workshops and using the media; 
  • economically empower women by providing training on Village Savings and Loan Associations; and
  • improving access to psychosocial, legal, and sexual and reproductive health and rights services.

The final evaluation found that the project’s objectives were covered effectively and that the project activities were achieved, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises.

Main findings of the evaluation: 

  • The project reached 35,939 beneficiaries.
  • More than 60% of the evaluation participants said the dialogue sessions “very highly contributed” to making communities a better place, especially for women and girls.
  • 90% (461) of the stakeholders (such as parent/teacher associations, government representatives) had a “very high” or “high” commitment to ending sexual and gender-based violence and implementing relevant protocols. 
  • Women and girls, particularly survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, reported improved access to psychosocial, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and legal support services. All survivors benefitted from psychosocial counselling. 
  • 1,244 survivors received training on Village Savings and Loan Associations, with 55 groups formed. 99% of the evaluation participants said these groups were important to fight poverty and improve living conditions. 
  • The project contributed to movement-building and institutional strengthening, and to improved resilience to crises. 

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Africa Nigeria
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year