Final Evaluation: 'Improved access for women and girls survivors of violence in Elbasan Region’ (Albania)

Final evaluation report
Dr. Sevinc Rende Solak; Dr. Monika Kocaqi; Eniana Koçiaj 

Location: Albania 

Grantee: Woman Forum Elbasan (WFE) 

Grant period: 3 years (1 September 2018 – 31 August 2021) 

Grant amount: $149,961 

Authors/editors: Dr. Sevinc Rende Solak; Dr. Monika Kocaqi; Eniana Koçiaj 

Publication year: 2022 

Woman Forum Elbasan (WFE) implemented the three-year project 'Improved access for women and girl survivors of violence in Elbasan Region’ in Albania, with the support of the UN Trust Fund between 2018 and 2021. The project was aimed at improving the quality of and access to multisectoral support services for survivors of violence, including victims of trafficking, women with disabilities, and women and girls from minority groups such as those of Roma and Egyptian ethnicity. To do this, WFE employed a holistic approach to improving domestic violence prevention and response mechanisms through the following intended outcomes: 1)Local professionals increase their capabilities and partnership skills through training, monitoring and the Regional Network to improve the services offered to VAW/G survivors; 2)Beneficiaries receive improved and better services (free social-psychological-legal support, emergency shelter) offered by WFE (Counseling Center, Advocacy Studio, Day Care Center) for victims of domestic violence.

Main findings of the evaluation:  

  • The project exceeded its target of 3200 and was able to reach 5527 women and girls by the project's end, ranging from children to elderly women aged 25 -59. 
  • Fifty-six professionals from local governance units were trained to improve service delivery and referral pathways and reported feeling more comfortable establishing first contact with survivors and understood the importance of individualized specialist support services. 
  • Awareness of rights, legal avenues, and community resources were improved through WFE’s legal advocacy and psychosocial counselling centres, with 74% of participants reporting to have gained more knowledge of their rights, 66% knowing more about community resources, and 73% feeling more confident about seeking help.
  • WFE also contributed towards improving the wellbeing of children reached by their project, with 60% of mothers reporting that their relationship with their children improved and 46% said that their children received specialized psychological support. 

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year