Final Evaluation: HEMAYA (State of Palestine) 

Final Evaluation: HEMAYA (State of Palestine)  
Rasha Salah Eddin Hdaib 

Location: State of Palestine  

Grantee: Stars of Hope Society  

Grant period: 1 September 2018 – 28 February 2022  

Grant amount: USD 499,100  

Authors/editors: Rasha Salah Eddin Hdaib  

Publication year: 2022   

The “HEMAYA” project, funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, was implemented between September 2018 and February 2022 by the Stars of Hope Society and its partner the Social and Economic Policies Monitor (Al-Marsad). The project aimed to address economic, physical, sexual, psychological and emotional violence against women and girls with disabilities in the private and public spheres, and was to be achieved through three broad outcomes:  

  • women and girls with disabilities and their families have more knowledge on how to advocate for their right to live free from violence and access adequate services in the event of violence;  
  • the specific needs of women and girls with disabilities with regards to violence are recognized by duty bearers and reflected in programmes, laws and policies to end violence against women; and 
  • coordination among state and non-state duty bearers is enhanced.  

Main findings of the evaluation:  

  • By the project end, 951 women and girls with disabilities who were survivors of violence reported safe access to adequate and appropriate services, representing 89% of the women and girls with disabilities engaged through the project; and 31 felt that the support they received had impacted their lives positively.  
  • 7 national state and non-state programmes and systems to end violence against women and girls improved the mainstreaming of the needs of women and girls living with disabilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year