UN Trust Fund Annual Report 2021

Cover image of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Annual Report 2021

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) launches its Annual Report for 2021, the first year of its new Strategic Plan (2021-2025).

The Annual Report highlights the life-changing work of UN Trust Fund grantee organizations around the world, during times of overlapping crises and despite a strong backlash on women's rights. 

This report is also a testament of UN Trust Fund's commitments, in line with its Strategic Plan, to invest in organizational resilience and leaving no one behind, and its adaptation to continue supporting and strengthening civil society and women's rights organizations and empowering feminist movements globally.

In 2021, the UN Trust Fund managed a grants portfolio of 157 projects aimed at preventing and addressing violence against women and girls in 68 countries and territories, across 5 regions, with grants totaling 74.7 million USD. Overall, at least 22,506,645 women and girls were directly reached through the work of UN Trust Fund-supported projects.

In total, UN Trust Fund grantees reached 41,782,089 people, through various initiatives to prevent violence against women and girls, improve services delivery, and to increase the effectiveness of laws, policies, national action plans and accountability systems.

Investing in civil society and women's rights organizations will contribute significantly to the Ending Violence against Women agenda.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Annual reports
Publication year